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Yes, it is prohibited to sell medal badges inside the ministry of works

Yes, it is prohibited to sell medal badges inside the ministry of works

Paru le mercredi, 11 avril 2018 19:42

Only some accredited companies can sell it now.

As May 1 (the international workers day) is fast approaching, many Cameroonian public workers are disappointed because they could not buy long-service awards at the ministry of works.  

This is because the ministry has changed the way things are done. Indeed, Bertrand Didier Bougha, head of the communication department at this ministry explains that only some accredited companies could sell the medal badges. He added that their sales inside the work ministry is prohibited and nobody should recommend a seller.  

He asked the public workers not to fall prey to frauds because anyone who claims to have medal badges for sale in the work ministry is a con.

He further revealed that the processing time of medal request has considerably been reduced. Moreover, nobody should pay for the long-service awards forms. Bertrand Didier Bougha finally revealed that the ministry would quickly investigate denunciations, even anonymous ones, and sanction the individuals found guilty of collecting money for such service accordingly.


Dernière modification le mercredi, 11 avril 2018 19:44

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